Dussehra Offer On Full Package Worth ₹26390
Only @ ₹9999 including tax !!

63% Discount Price!!

Google Pay Number: 6381709819 & Our UPI ID: 6381709819@okbizaxis. Buy at ₹9999/- (No Trans. charges)

This includes 6 ebooks, all Video courses in software (i.e. Mr Ranjan's studio recorded lecture on gann method,technical analysis, option trading etc.)

All our softwares. The respective links will be sent through email.

For any product query call Ph: 9941105705

What support you will get as a buyer of this product?

1. Monthly once we demonstrate and give training to buyers in live market on ‘How to use our software?’

2. Every month one video conference & the training demonstration will be held.

3. Buyers used to get invitation to attend our free webinars on priority basis.

4. Technical query related to use of software, trade related query attended through the email in priority basis.

5. All software installation related issues by dedicated support telephone number.

6. All buyers time to time given option strategy best suitable for market condition.

7. Buyers will get option stratgy allert and other help in WhatsApp Group

All video courses will be given through a Software